Tuesday, March 30, 2010

[UVPAFUG] Press release for meeting on 10 Apr 2010

30 Mar 2009

Journalists, please run this as a news item and/or in your calendar of events. Ward newsletter editors, please include parts of the first two paragraphs and mention that there are classes for everyone. Email me, if you need further information. Thanks.

Don Snow


The next regular, second-Saturday-of-the-month meeting of the Utah Valley PAF (Personal Ancestral File) Users Group will be on Saturday, 10 Apr 2010, from 9 am to noon at our usual location at the LDS "Red Chapel", 4050 North Timpview Drive (650 East), Provo. There is a map showing the location on the group's website
http://uvpafug.org . The main presentation for this meeting will be by Timothy G. Cross on FAMILYSEARCH'S EXTENDED TREE.  His presentation will discuss current and future plans for FamilySearch's Tree.  How does the Tree fit into FamilySearch?  Is the Tree limited to just new.familysearch.org?  Are we going to be able to make this "common" tree work?  How are we supposed to source the Tree?  Is this just for genealogists or can everyone participate?  Brother Tim Cross has been a Product Manager for new FamilySearch for four years. Prior to working for the LDS Church, Tim worked in the computer industry for PriceWaterhouse; Booz, Allen, & Hamilton; and Novell. Tim is currently responsible for the Family Tree portion of new FamilySearch.

Following the main presentation there will be several classes taught concerning technology and family history. As usual, there will be something for everyone at all levels of expertise. The teachers and classes currently scheduled for this meeting are the following: (1)   FamilyInsight: NFS Sync and Ordinance Preparation, by Andrea Schnakenburg;  (2)  Using Google in Genealogy, by Duane Dudley;  (3)  Genealogy on Your MAC - Searching, Charting and Reporting, by Venita Parry;  (4)  Newspaper or Military Research, by Laurie Castillo;  (5)  Personal Help with PAF & NFS, by Don Engstrom, Finn Hansen, and Kathy and Max Hennie (new regular class);  (6)  Q&A: FamilySearch's Extended Tree, by Tim Cross;  (7)  Video of last month's main presentation: How to Effectively Conduct Family History Research, by Barry Ewell;  (8)  Ancestral Quest, by Gaylon Findlay;  (9)  Legacy 7, by Dean Bennett;  (10)  RootsMagic 4, by Bruce Buzbee.

In addition to the classes this month Ancestry is providing professional scanning equipment again for those that are attending, with priority going to members of the Users Group. Individuals will be able to sign up for a 15-minute slot at the meeting that morning, so bring your genealogy scanning projects.

All meetings of the Users Group are open to the public whether members of the Group or not. The Users Group has the goal of helping individuals use technology to further their family history and there are usually 100-125 attending the monthly meetings on the second Saturdays. The officers are Gerhard Ruf, President; Don Snow and Laurie Castillo, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents; Liz Kennington, PAFology Editor; Kay Baker, Gerry Eliason, and Don Engstrom working with finances and membership; and Bruce Merrill, Lynne Shumway, and Marie Andersen, working with the DVD Library. Several of these will be there to help with membership, answer questions, distribute the current issue of the monthly newsletter PAFology, and check out DVD's of past presentations and classes to members of the group. Information about the Users Group, main presentations, classes, and class notes are available on the Group's website
http://uvpafug.org and the press releases are at http://blog.uvpafug.org/ . For further information contact President Gerhard Ruf at pres@uvpafug.org (801-225-6106) or 1st Vice President Don Snow at snowd@math.byu.edu .

Don Snow, 1st VP of Utah Valley PAF Users Group

Donald R. Snow, Math Faculty, Nauvoo University http://www.nauvoouniversity.com
Retired Professor of Mathematics, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

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